Medium Term Income Fund a Complete Introduction

Passive Investing

Let’s go behind the scenes to see how our Medium Term Income Fund (MTI) that can provide investors with 11-13% annual return is completely uncorrelated with real estate or the stock market. Download the MTI Overview PDF>>

And then, if you have any questions and would like to talk to one of our excellent Investor Relations Team to see how we can help you, please book your time here>>

Medium Term Income Fund (MTI)

  • Great option for investors wanting further diversification that is completely uncorrelated with real estate or the stock market
  • Provides financial solutions to Medical Service Providers
    • Advancing funds against outstanding medical receivables via Letters of Credit
    • Purchasing receivables at a discount under Letters of Protection
    • Diversified across 10,000+ individual medical invoices
  • Investors can expect a fixed return of between 11-13% per year based on AUM
  • 4-6 year target hold period. Most returns taxed as capital gains
  • Paid-out on a quarterly basis, beginning from the first full quarter post-investment
  • Fund has a one-year lockup period, after which investors can request redemptions quarterly

This investment briefing is an overview of our current funds and does not constitute an offer. Please consult with your financial advisor or CPA to see if our funds might be a good fit for you, and book a time with our Investment Relations Team so we can answer any questions.

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