Getting Started with Passive Real Estate Investing

Passive Investing

Now that you know a lot more about passive, diversified real estate investment and how it could fit in your overall financial plan, let’s review how to get started.

Pre-Planning Activities

As they say in woodworking: measure twice, cut once. It is important to plan before you act.

Activities within the family.

ü  Decide if real estate investment is right for your portfolio.

o   See Chapter 1 of this book.

ü  Decide if you want to invest passively or actively.

o   See Appendix 3 of this book.

Activities with your advisors.

Talk to your advisory team – most importantly your CPA, but also your attorney and financial advisor if you have them.

ü  CPA:

o   Tax considerations.

o   For example, if you have the option to get more passive losses through depreciation, how much would you want?

ü  CPA or financial advisor.

o   For example, which investments should be purchased with cash, versus through your self-directed IRA?

o   Does it matter if you personally own the investment, or is there a tax benefit to another method?

ü  Attorney:

o   How to hold title (for example, in concert with the rest of your estate plan).

o   Detailed review of specific fund documents when you are about to invest.

Activities with potential Fund General Partners and/or Sponsors.

ü  See how their fund(s) fit your requirements.
If you are ready for passive, diversified investing…without the headaches, book your 15min investment review at to see if we can help you go passive.

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