Meet the investments chosen for NDF9! With Targeted IRR 17-20% and a 4–6-year term in over 21+ states with 40 Buildings, it's no wonder our...
When is a DST Not the Best Choice for a 1031 Exchange?
I’m frequently asked by investors if they should sell their current rental properties. There are a lot of factors that go into the decision. The...
Ironton Capital Funds: An Overview
Ironton Capital is a multi-strategy real estate private equity firm. We provide tailored solutions to investors with short- and long-term products....
8 Factors of Due Diligence Before Investing
I always consider eight factors as I’m planning my investments: 1. Ask about the tax implications of real estate investments, including deductions,...
What is the Role of Depreciation in my Taxes?
We’ve mentioned several times the power of depreciation, and you might have already heard of depreciation, so how does it work with real estate and...
The 4 Pillars of Passive Real Estate Investing: Case Study in Action
What does it look like when we take the 4 Pillars of Passive Real Estate Investing to create one of our diversified funds? Let’s look at Ironton...
The 4 Pillars of Passive Real Estate Investing: Pillar 4 Diversify Sponsors!
Investors need to diversify their Sponsors. An often-overlooked fact is that the active investor IS the Sponsor. If you make a mistake on one of...
The 4 Pillars of Passive Real Estate Investing: Pillar 3 Diversify Strategy!
Investors also need to diversify across Strategy. There are three broad strategic categories you can select when building your real estate...
The 4 Pillars of Passive Real Estate Investing: Pillar 2 Diversify Asset Class!
Investors also need to diversify by asset class. While each expert will slice the real estate universe into slightly different wedges, here’s the...
The 4 Pillars of Passive Real Estate Investing: Pillar 1 Diversify Geography!
Among the four types of diversification, I find that this one is the easiest for newer investors to understand. Before passive investing, I was 100%...